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Third Reich leaders considered various possibilities of removing Jews from Europe. In 1941 they decided to settle the problem once and for all by realising the final solution to the Jewish question (Endlösung der Judenfrage). On the basis of this decision the Jews were sentenced to death for purely ‘racial’ reasons. Age, education, sex, personal wealth, social status or services rendered to the society or country were all irrelevant.

The preliminary stage in the total annihilation of Jews in the occupied territories of Poland, Czechoslovakia, USSR and the Baltic states were the ghettos, where hundreds of thousands of individuals were isolated. Hunger, disease and terror meant that mortality rapidly increased among the ghetto inhabitants. In the summer of 1941 special units of Security Police (SD) and the SS, called Einsatzgruppen, supported by local collaborators, carried out the mass executions of Jewish populations in German occupied territories of the USSR.

On 20 January 1942, the Wannsee Conference decided on the actual procedure of exterminating Europe’s 11 million Jewish inhabitants.

Approximately 1.5 milion of Jews as well as douzen thousands of Slavs and Roma were murdered by Einsatzgruppen in the German occupied eastern parts of pre-war Poland, western USSR and the Baltic states, whereas roughly 4 million Jewish men, women and children were killed in the ghettos, concentration camps and extermination camps.

Largest ghettos in occupied Europe (1939–1944)

Graphic design: Leszek Nabiałek

The map shows countries in borders from 1941